Task 1
The Thousand Oaksis a well-established tourism company that is located in Southern California (Ishtiaq, 2019, 40).This report will discuss the role played by services marketing in tourism and hospitality industry in the application of the Thousand Oaks tourism company operations. Thousand Oaks is favourable for business ventures and holding facilities, having been recorded among the top richest cities with high returns and per capita income for people and businesses operating in the area. Meeting the marketing services demand, budgetary restraints, supporting the demands of the staff, and evaluating the company’s long-term orientation are all issues at stake when deciding where to locate a tourism facility in an ideal place. In this context, the wholesome discussion will be based on the keynote marketing services conferred to tourism and hospitality industries as referenced from the Thousand Oaks showcased operations.
The role of services marketing in the tourism and hospitality industry
The ‘metropolis’ offers a unique blend of tradition, lifestyle, and commercial potential, and it is the residence to many of the country’s top multinational tourists (Grewal, &Levy, 2022, n.p). The major role of the services marketing in tourism and hospitality is to remind and make new and potential customers aware of their critical needs through high-end service provisions. These services include building a sustainable network of strategies that are aligned with customer-connections, product promotion and keynote service provision in the travel and accommodation agencies. As a result, all marketing services in the tourism and hospitality draw attention to customer’s destinations, such as transport services, hotels, and local and traditional activities, while promoting memorable experiences. Additionally, broadband marketing frameworks attract visitors, create awareness, build brand identity, and develop effective and sustainable marketing strategies in the tourism and hospitality arena.
The services marketing approach in the tourism and hospitality industry
Thousand Oaks is a tourism, recreational facility and a commercial-center(Ishtiaq, 2019, 40). California is home to a slew of talented individuals. The foremost services marketing approach aligned with the tourism and marketing industry are social media, content marketing, influencers, email marketing and overall search engine optimization. These services help advertise in consumer, travel and restaurant activities. As per the Thousand Oaks Tourism Company, the situational-area has much to give entrepreneurial ventures, including quick access to the worldwide economy, a large pool of significant variables, and great weather.Individuals from diverse professions can team up at forums, seminars, and conventions. Meeting innovators and investors is critical in the tourism industry to keep up with the industry, find fresh talent, and find corporate clients. California has a first-mover edge whenever it comes to the tourism sector as it boasts of one of the largest populations of children emerging with STEM degrees, additional capacity to develop, different areas to construct on, and one of the country’s lowest workplace and living rents.
Description of the services marketing activities of the tourism and hospitality business
Services accessibility is a prominent factor in the tourism and hospitality operations. Grewal, and Levy, 2022, (n.p) note that, Service marketing activities are framed to offer value addition to the tourism and hospitality sector. Their descriptive viewpoint is in the line with product, place, price and promotion workouts incorporated with customer orientation, quality provision, empowerment, product accessibility, friendliness, comprehensibility and speediness. These services are designed to offer advertising tangible variables that bring value to all customers. Customers’ service accessibility is frequently prioritized by institutions, resulting in improved overall customer experiences and increasing the possibility of returning and recommending new clients. These characteristics include connectivity to a transportation connection, location in or near a bustling retail sector, closeness to an attractive residential neighbourhood, and storage availability and efficiency. Conversely, great exposure may be a desirable trait, especially for a group looking to expand its clientele. A structure or window with attractive advertising which receives an abundance of passing vehicles might aid in the branding of thetourism and hospitality industry. Consequently, tourism and hospitality companies are adjusting their property placement strategy to ensure that their centres are located along heavily travelled roads that are already convenient for their clients. When deciding on a selected site, enterprises might even examine accessibility.
Impact of social media and digital communication services marketing
Social media platforms are theGeo-evaluating and administrative-tools in thetourism and hospitality industry; this is an excellent way to raise awareness of different programs or disseminate data to Thousand Oaks(Ishtiaq, 2019, 40). Whenever there is a lot of rivalry, the tourism sector will need to expand its boundaries and shift, and this is always achieved by the use of social media and digital communication services marketing(Grewal, & Levy, 2022, n.p). This approach can only be achieved by the use of social media platforms, and digital communication services marketing. There are a few exceptions, such as travel and hotel dealerships that desire to be next to one another so that customers can compare and choose the best tourism and hospitality deals. Conversely, if the tourism business has a unique feature or offers cutting-edge innovation, choosing a location with an established market may be the ideal way to begin collecting customers and establishing a presence in a different territory as a way of fostering good communication frameworks as a final-end impact. As a result, it’s critical to look at the usual company costs in the region, covering lease, utility costs, and taxation, to guarantee that we can manage the space. Before agreeing to a site, management must burn out basic concealed charges like fees or finding parking. Evaluating the site’s living costs will help the medical facility start-up avoid getting engaged that one can’t afford. Frequent and voluntary rewards are the two types of incentives available and are seen as the outcome of good social media and digital communication services marketing.
The 9p model of the extended marketing mix and internal layout of the company
These elements include place, product, price, promotion, physical evidence, productivity, people, process and priority(Grewal, & Levy, 2022, n.p). The model is commonly used in a visual manner as a way of marketing a company’s products. For instance, Thousand Oaks uses this model in advertising and marketing its travel, hotel and other tourism and hospitality services and products. In most cases, the 9p model is aligned with the physical architecture of the tourism and hospitality facility for the purpose of marketing it.Below is the internal layout of the Thousand Oaks Tourism and Hospitality Industry in California. As seen from the internal layout plan, there are enough parking spaces for the tourist and anybody willing to visit the industry. Moreover, the internal scope has been divided into small suitable rooms, which will be branded accordingly.There is much room for improvement in order to enhance the system functioning and daily careprovided, from enhancing and implementing adaptive equipment for low-mobility clients to the system to support and filtering to manage and stop the spread of illnesses.

Internal Layout of the Thousand Oaks Tourism and Hospitality Industry (Ishtiaq, 2019, 40)
Marketing Mix of the Thousand Oaks Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Thousand Oaks applies all the 9p model aspects aligned with the marketing mix workout. These aspects include place, product, price, promotion, physical evidence, productivity, people, process and priority. The facility frequently chassis for adequate supply management and high inventory costs. Inventory managers, distributors, and employees are obligated to report inventory control as the tourism and hospitality facilities close their doors, done in a time-consuming manner, encompassing work procedures that are ineffective and prone to human error. When Thousand Oaks Tourism and Hospitality Industry is planning records, managing conformity, and recording the application of marketing mix and its practices in inevitable. This is because; the process offers them reliable mechanism to fulfill last-minute demands from all customer demands(Mousa & Othman, 2020, 243). Experts in the Thousand Oaks Tourism and Hospitality Industry employ a variety of goods to prescribe products and services offered, and they use multiples of every product in their work. Workers store these things, either arriving from distribution facilities or straight from producers, so several companies may be tasked with getting customers the needs that are in the line with the marketing mix frameworks. The organization has different objectives; for instance, influencers are relaxed with such products, but the marketing department is generally busy in offering the most cost-effective, and elevated options.
Supply between the Central and the other services is typically not monitored using computer systems, which adds to the issue of monitoring surgical materials and tools(Grewal, & Levy, 2022, n.p). As a result, there is a knowledge gap, making inventories management even more difficult. To address the marketing mix frameworks, the major goal of the advertising and marketing body is efficiently enhanced, while a superior standard of service is well-established.
Characteristics of excellent customer service in the tourism and hospitality industry
According to Grewal, & Levy, 2022, (n.p), excellent customer-service enhances trust, and brand-sustainability. Characteristics of excellent customer service are encompassed in reliability, tangibility, empathy, responsiveness, and assurance. The Thousand Oaks Tourism and Hospitality Industry enhance revenue and income in major allied industries in conjunction with their functions as a way of ensuring that they have potential on matters of finance so that they can offer excellent customer service round the clock. With today’s modern increased emphasis on valuation care, the facility has introduced a significant customer-approach technique on local dailies by providing high-quality assistance, precautionary universal care, comment support, and initiatives to promote social predictors such as nutritional deficiencies, cleanliness, and accommodation.
Relationship between customer-service and business performance
There is a strong drive to make high-income venues using customer circles in the tourism and hospitality industry. The least reactionary and more preventative; tourism facilities are attempting to reach these customers more regularly and at lower-cost points. This approach defines the customer-relationship aspects whereby, the tourism sector is always engaged in offering high-end services and quality products as a way of enhancing customer-service frameworks. This approach brings in a sustainable business performance prospects. This is because these two aspects go hand in hand, and they are related in a couple of parameters. For instance, the success of any business is determined by quality services and high-end products offered to the customers. This is what is defined as business performance. This relationship is inevitable since the business performance depends on the quality of the customer-service offered.
The importance of effective customer complaint management
Effective customer complaint management is very crucial. This is because the process offers a platform for communication whereby, the company’s weaknesses and abilities are realized for further action and review. For instance, the Thousand Oaks Tourism and Hospitality Industry has got well-established platforms where customers can air their views and raise complaints (Ishtiaq, 2019, 40). The company analyzes these complaints and locates the cause of the illustrated issues and the avenues of weakness. This effective customer-complain management has helped the company solve most of its internal and external issues while enhancing customer-loyalty and reputation.
In a conclusive overview, service marketing in tourism and hospitalityis the propeller of the keynote-operations in the industry. This is because marketing, advertising and other important communication frameworks are made possible. As a result, the industry is able to attain its workforce-targeted profitability margin and build a reputable image. The Thousand Oaks Tourism and Hospitality Industry has been applying these critical aspects in the past years as a critical scorecard in its daily operations.
Grewal, D. and Levy, M., 2022. Marketing. McGraw-Hill.
Ishtiaq, M., 2019.Book review creswell, JW (2014).research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches . Thousand Oaks, ca: sage. English Language Teaching, 12(5), p.40.
Mousa, S. K., & Othman, M. (2020). The impact of green human resource management practices on sustainable performance in healthcare organizations: A conceptual framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 243, 118595.
Also Read: Sustainability in Tourism and Hospitality Assignment Example
Services Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality
There exist a couple of fundamental theories that offer the lateral and critical understanding of consumer-behavior when it comes to the tourism and hospitality arena(Han, 2021, 1021-1042). Generally, consumers have cognitive hierarchy that drives them into looking for tourism and hospitality services. This self-drive is propelled by the ultimate urge to achieve their consumption goals. There exist a couple of varied reasons why tourists choose certain destinations, and the overall factors that influence them to make that decision are incorporated in the theory herein. How such behaviours have changed in the past years and the adoption pace on the side of the tourism and hospitality sector will be included in this discussion.
Main theories on consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality
There are multiple theories that offer definitions and well-established presentations when it comes to consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality. Han 2021, (1021-1042) notes that, these theories are the core-administrative tools that provide critical real-in-time frameworks on matters of consumer behavior, customer management, customer-retention practices, and product and service-quality improvement methods. These theories are showcased and discussed herein.
Means-end theory
This is the top-most consumer-behaviour approach theory that incorporates comprehensive aspects that offer insights on matters of consumer-behavior and how to adapt consumer change-behaviors changes. The theory asserts that service and product attributes are aligned with inevitable consequences, and hence, critical decision-making frameworks are mandatory. Product benefits and risks are rampant in consumer practices; this means that in order to avoid the risks and achieve the anticipated benefit, personal values as associated with consumers ought to be put into consideration when designing and making goods and services. According to the theory, this approach shapes the value of the product and services in order to fulfil the preferences of the final-end consumer. The theory also adds that, value addition, and cognitive thinking are influenced by the decision-making process, and hence, this affects the consumer-behavior. Conclusively, this theory notes that, the manufacturer or service provider ought to start by understanding the market trends, demand magnitude and available substitute goods and services in the market. This approach aids in pinpointing the existing market gap that aligns with the current consumer behavior, and hence, the product being outsourced or services being provided must have all specifications described in the market gap.
Theory of modernization
This consumer-behavior affiliate theory is aligned with the operations of the tourism and hospitality sector. In its definition, it states that consumer-behavior is an exponential growth that attracts a couple of converging and diverging aspects all-over. The theory is incorporated with technological frameworks as defined in the scientific evolution concepts. There exist four main stages that occur in varies situations(Kyianytsia, 2021, 41-50). They are the traditional stage, which is associated with the initial production pace. Then, there is the take-off stage that is associated with the market entry tactics. There is also technological maturity and high-end consumption stages, which are associated with the consumer-behavior attributes and purchase power of the consumers. This theory states that, consumer behaviors in tourism grow in stages, and each stage has got its own deviancies and other market-related aspects.
The theory of dependency
This is very critical when it comes to consumer-behavior in the tourism and hospitality sector. It measures the market traits based on the general economic status(Martins, 2022, 18-35). For instance, a tourist company operating in a developing country will be outshined by another tourism industry operating in the developed country. This is because the central measure of tendency and other critical status favor the developed country. In this scenario, the consumer-behavior scorecard is always drawn based on the available products and services but not on the critical service provision and the quality of products being offered.
How consumer behaviors have changed and the organization’s adaptability to those behaviors
In the recent past, the consumer behavior traits have been undergoing progressive changes based on the technological advancement, tastes and preference variations and the availability of different goods and servicesstatus(Borgardt, 2020, 141-160). The consumers have started to specialize in value-based purchasing as a way of ensuring that they get the ultimate-value for their single coin spent. This technically means that they have reduced discretionary over-spending and strictly emphasized on the essentials. Additionally, the consumers in the tourism and hospitality industry have shifted to off-brand products, and cheaper services. Conclusively, in response to these changes, the tourism and hospitality industry has adopted new high-end services that offer the ultimate satisfactory end-point results to consumers. Again, they have reduced the prices of their products based on the consumer-behavior and market-demand. This approach has helped the industry maintain some of its potential consumers and acquire new customers.
Borgardt, E., 2020. Means-End Chain theory: a critical review of literature. PraceNaukoweUniwersytetuEkonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 64(3), pp.141-160.
Han, H., 2021. Consumer behavior and environmental sustainability in tourism and hospitality: A review of theories, concepts, and latest research. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29(7), pp.1021-1042.
Kyianytsia, L.L., 2021. The Modernization Theory Paradigm and Its Discontents: Reviewing the Contribution and Fallings of the Modernization Theory to Social and Political Research. Ukrainian Policymaker, 8(8), pp.41-50.
Martins, C.E., 2022. The longue durée of the marxist theory of dependency and the twenty-first century. Latin American Perspectives, 49(1), pp.18-35.
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